08 March 2022

Information Communication Technology(ICT) Question Bank (B.Ed Second Year 205-11)


Information Communication Technology 

(ICT Question Bank) 205-11

Q1      Long Answer Questions                                                                      Mark 15 

1          Define ‘computer’ and explain its structure with block diagram. Describe following types of computers.                                                                                                      

a)            Personal computer

b)            Laptop

2          Describe the concept of operating System and explain its types and functions in details.

3          Explain the concept of Hardware with input devices of computer. As a teacher how will you use storage devices in Education effectively? Explain with suitable examples.

4          Explain the concept of Application software with its types. How will you use word processor for effective teaching learning process?

5          Explain in details nature, Scope and place of ICT at secondary level.                

6          Explain need and importance of Textbook analysis. Analyze the textbook with following points.

            a          Objectives       b          External aspects          c          Internal aspects

            d          Content           e          Learning experiences

7          Explain demonstration method of teaching ICT with following points-

            a          Concept           b          Features           c          Advantages     d          Limitations

            e          Educational implication

8        Explain Learning Resources of ICT subject and describe how you will use these resources in teaching-learning process.

            a          Facebook         b          Whats App      c          Documentary and films

            d          Video conferencing

9        Explain project method of teaching ICT with following points-

            a          Concept           b          Features           c          Advantages     d          Limitations

            e          Educational implications

10        Explain the use of ICT for students from deprived community with the help of following points-

            a          Women            b          Physically challenged              c          Mentally challenged

Q2       Answer in brief:                                                                                            Mark 5 

a)      Explain origin of WWW.

b)      Advantages of VoIP

c)      Netiquette

d)     Educational Application of Instant Messaging

e)      WAN

f)       Give difference between LAN and WAN

g)      Explain copyright Act

Q3       Fill in the blanks correct option from the bracket.                                               Mark 1

1                    ICT stands for__________

(Information and Communication Technology, Information and Computer Technology, Interaction Compile Technique, Internet Communication Technique)

2                    Deleted files and folders automatically store in ____________

(Recycle bin, Desktop, Status bar, Menu bar)

3                    ___________is an input device.

(Printer, Monitor, Keyboard, Pen drive)

4                    Ctrl+ A is used to __________

(Copy, Cut, Select, Save)

5                    __________is an example of an operating system.

(Firefox, Notepad, Windows-2010, Chrome)

6                    _________developed ‘C’ Language in 1970

(Charles Babage, John Aten Soph, Jack Kilbene, Dennis Richi)

7                    Unicode is also called_________

(Universal code, UFT-8, UTF -8, Uni-8)

8                    1 GB = _____________MB

(1024, 1124, 924, 1224)

9                    Ctrl + S is used to ____________a file.

(Copy, Paste, Cut, Save)

10                ____________is sometimes called as a Temporary storage.


11                _________is an example of Blog.

(News, e-paper, e-mail, chat)

12                Slide show is one of the main feature of _________application software.

(M.S.Word, M.S.Excel, M.S.Powerpoint Presentation, M.S. Access)

Q4       Give the full forms of the following.                                                            5 Mark

                        1          IRC     2          IM       3          E-Mail             4          ALU    5          ROM

                        6          MAN   7          RAM   8          CPU                9          ATM   10        HTTP

Q5       Answer in brief:                                                                                            Mark 5 

a)      Describe competencies of ICT teacher.

b)      Blended Learning

c)      Objectives of Teaching ICT at Secondary Level.

d)     Content Analysis

e)      Scope for ICT at Secondary Level.

f)       Explain about 5-E learning model

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