23 September 2020

B.Ed. Course 202 MCQ


Savitribai Phule Pune University,Pune

B.Ed.Second Year - Course 202

Knowledge and curriculum and language across curriculum

MCQ Question Bank-English

Asst. Prof. Sushil V. Bhong



Unit 1 Knowledge and Education

            1.      ……………………… is data that has been given meaning by way of relational connection

a.       Skills         b. information                         c. wisdom       d. knowledge


            2.      An example of …………………… information is looking at sales figures on a cash register at                 any time of the day.

a.       reliable   b. valid    c. accessible    d. relevant


            3.      Informal information tends to be categorised as ………………….. And is communicated by                 casual conversations, emails, text messages between colleagues.

a.       Official information          b.         sufficiently accurate information    

c. timey information                d.         unofficial information

       4.    _______ requires practical exposure

a.       Knowledge

b.      Skill

c.       Ability

d.      All of the above


5   “Knowledge is information that is relevant, actionable and at least partially based on    experience” – this definition was given by____

e.       Dorothy Leonard

f.       Castells

g.      Xerox Parc

h.      Karl- Erik


       6     _______ is a sociological term relating to a person’s EQ

i.        Life skills

j.        Hard skills

k.      People skills

l.        Soft skills


7     The __________________ method is evidence based method for acquiring knowledge

a.      Scientific

b.      Logical

c.       Traditional

d.      None

8     Which of the following is/are important features of Scientific Methods?

e.       It relies on empirical and repeatable tests

f.       It is time tested method of discovery

g.      Scientist can test hypothesis and solutions.

h.      All of the above

9     __________ covers the knowledge of environment, resources and relationship    between         things

i.        Tradition

j.        Authority

k.      Scientific method

l.        All of the above.                   


10   Crucially, ‘expert’ opinion can only be right if it’s based on the best             available evidence.

                 a) True







b) False

c) Partially True

d) None of the Above


Opinions of experts can be easily found in







              a) Newspapers & Magazines

              b) TV & Intern

             c) Radio

             d) All of the Above





12       A person's ‘generally held view’; a ‘belief’ or a ‘judgment formed in the mind about a   particular matter’ is which source of knowledge?






a) Introspection

b) Memory

c) Reason

d) Experts Opinion


13        What is raw information?

a-Data             b- knowledge  c- graph          d- None

14        Which type of data can be expressed as a number or quantified?

A-Qualitative  b- Quantitative          c- Graph          d- None of the above

15        Which data sources don’t own the original data?

            a-Primary         b- Tertiary       c- Secondary             d- None

16)       __________enhances   intra/inter      neural   connectivity in the   brain   , which has   a    significant   positive   outcome on learning....       .

a) Integrated approach............b) value based   approach..........

c) Experiential   learning ........d)   whole   brain   approach.    

17)       ____ essential   steps   exist   in whole brain   approach   that   teaches     must    Incorporate    into   their    classroom..........

a)   5                             b) 7                 c) 8                  d)11        

18)      Whole    brain   teaching   combines    direct instructions,     sharing    and ________.

            a) Interaction   b)   immediate   feedback     c) checking       d) interviewing

१९     9.  Student-centered learning develops the................

       १     mind,      २    body     ३    spirit            4    All of the Above  

20.   The comcept of discover learning implies that a learner constructs his or her own knowledgefor themselevs by discovering as opposed to being told about something. 

 a    Activity Learning   b  dialogue Learning   c Discovery  Learning  d   None

21    11   Which of the following steps in a Learning through discovery is incorrect? 

    1    Problem Solving    2    Managment of Lerner    3    Analysis of Information    4    All of the above

22     What are the types of Learning through discovery?

    1    Simulation-based learning    2    Problem-based studies    3    Both of the above

23    13   Which of the following is the exact type of dialogue method? 

    1    Lecture    2    Question    3    Visit    4    all of the above

24    .................. has given a very different meaning to the method of communication. According to him, communication is a means of finding the truth.  

    1    Bruner's    2    Hilda Taba    3    Krishna Murthy    4    None of the above

 25   The ............ a person is very important in discussion methods. 

    1    skill of persuading    2    skill of Listioning    3    Viewing skills    4    None of the above

26    What is raw data ? 

    1    Unanalysed data      2 Unprocessed data      3 Primary data      4 All the above 

 27     The word data word derived from --------Language.

    1    Greek      2     French      3     Latin      4     German 

28     The word Information derived from _________Language. 

    1     Latin      2    Greek      3    Korean      4 Spanish 

29     The word Communication derived from________ language.  

    1     Greek    2 Latin      3     French    4    Spanish

30    Information is reduction of uncertainty. This theory developed by..............

    1     Webster      2     Charles Berger     3     Melvil Dewey     4     Shanon 

31    Which is correct sequence? 

       1 Wisdom > Knowledge > Information >Data 

     2 Wisdom > Information > Knowledge > Data 

     3 Data > Information > Knowledge > Wisdom 

     4 Data > Information > Wisdom > Knowledge

32    Knowledge is Perishable. 

        1     True     2     False

33    Which is not a characteristic of Information? 

    1     Shareable not exchangeable                       2 Expandable and compressible 

     3     source of economic and political power     4 may not vary in value over a period of time

34   Wisdom is the ultimate level of understanding knowledge.

            1 True             2False

35  . Tacit Knowledge is getting experience rather than formal education. 

            1 True             2 False  


Unit 2 Dimensions of Curriculum

1          Curriculum is _____.

a. Course                                 b. Syllabus

c. Co-curricular Activities       d. Overall activities of the institution


2          Which of the following is nature of curriculum?

a. Critical                     b. Creative

c. Conservative           d. All of the above.


3          Important Factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the ____________.

a. Education                                        b. Objectives

c. Values                                             d. Service


4          The factors that affect the development of curriculum are ___________.

a. Curriculum design                                                   b. Curriculum Evaluation

c. Foundation of Curriculum                                   d. Elements of curriculum


5          Teaching and learning combine together to make _________.

a. Curriculum                        b. Instruction

c. Classroom                            d. Syllabus


6          Curriculum organization is a _________ process.

a. scientific                             b. Instruction

c. strategically                         d. internal


7          Curriculum is mainly for the __________.

a. Teacher                    b. Institution

c. Students                  d. None of the above


8          An outline of the topics of a subject to be covered in a specific time is called ________.

a. Curriculum                                                b. Course

c. Programme                                                  d. Syllabus


9          Major concern of curriculum is _________.

a. Changes in individual behavior               b. Preparation of service

            c. Personal satisfaction                                   d.  All of the above.   


10        A curriculum is blue print of the school that includes experience for the __________.

a. Experts                                b. learner

c. teacher                                 d. curriculum planner


11        A curriculum is blue print of the school that includes experiences for the

a. Teacher                                b. Learner

c. Curriculum planner              d. Experts

12.       The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a

a. Course of learning               b. Chariot race course

c. Course of study                   d. Course of Education

13.       Summative evaluation takes place:

a. In the beginning                  b. In the middle

c. At the end                           d. After intervals


14        The subject-centric curriculum has a _______ tradition of study subjects.
A. Components.
B. Range
A. Special.
Dr. Normal


15        The faults of the Knowledge Focused Study Series are the same as those of the ______ study sequence.
A. Thematic
B. Focused
A. Concentrated
Dr. Inseparable

16        The structure of the study sequence is the organization of the _____ study sequence, emphasizing the child's motivation.
A. Thematic
B. Focused
A. Concentrated
Dr. Inseparable

17        Dewey says the students' needs are the ________ point of study.
A. In the middle
B. The last one
A. Start
Dr. Last.

18  __________is a document that contains all portion of the concept covered in a subject

a)Textbook                  b) Curriculum             P c)Syllabus               d)Manual


19 _________ are important document that decide the course of teaching learning process in a classroom situation

a) Textbook                 b) Curriculum             c) Syllabus      Pd) All of above


20  Element of direct experience for student is absent in

Pa) Textbook                  b) Curriculum             c) Syllabus         d) Experiment


21        The ……………of any kind is viewed as providing a better control of the learning process.

a: Syllabus                                   b: Curriculum

c: Textbook                                 d: Knowledge

22        On what does the syllabus depend on?

a: institution-as-society            b: institution-as-educator

c: Teacher                                    c: Education system

23        The document that contains all information related to the goals, what is to be thought  by the teacher, and what is student can expect for their learning, is called as?

a: curriculum                               b: text book

c: Syllabus                                    c: Reference cook






24        curriculum developments refers to the total process of curriculum

A) Designing                           B) Evaluation

C) Implementing                     D) All of the above.


25        how many basic component curriculum have

A) 2                                         B) 4

C) 6                                         D) 8


26        In planning and implementing curriculum school makes it selection from

A) Culture                              B) Nation

C) Region                                D) Mass communication.


27        The Tyler model is

a)      One of the best models for curriculum development

b)      Known for the special attention it gives to planning phase

C)    Deductive for its proceeds from the general to specific

d)     All of the above


28        A good understanding of curriculum planning is essential for_________________.

a)      Increased acceptance and appreciation of diversity.

b)      Better communication and social skills.

c)      Greater development in moral and ethical principle.

d)     Good and effective teaching


29        Tyler model believes that the administration should_______________________.

a)      Supportive environment and flexible learning environment.

b)     Design the curriculum and the teacher implements it.

c)      Independent study.

d)     Attention seeker


30        How does student involve in curriculum transaction?

a)      Students learn to be innovative and accept the curriculum

b)      Student do not try to adjust

c)      Student are not satisfied with the syllabus

d)     All of the above


31        a good understanding of curriculum planning is essential for

A Good determining                     B   Good evaluating

C Good Teaching                                    D   Good analyzing


32        which is not included to designing of the curriculum

A   progression                              B   Authority

C   challenge and enjoyment         D   coherence


33  Designing a curriculum is ideally something that is first of all effective and matches__________ with what is taught on a course

A   evaluation                                B   knowledge

C   assessment                              D   skills


34        The first step of Hilda Taba Model is_

A. Identification of students' needs                         B. Preparing objectives

C. Evaluation                                                              D. Organization of content.            


35        who stated, “objectives are developmental, representing the roads to travel rather than terminal point."

A. Tyler                                   B. Hilda Taba

C. Belkin                                 D. McCreadie


36        In the final step of curriculum development, Hilda Taba finally mentions the role of____in education.

A. Students                             B. Teachers

C. Parents                              D. Society



37        A curriculum is a blue print or pip of the school that includes experiences for the

a)      Teacher

b)     Learner

c)      Curriculum planner

d)     Experts

38        The concise oxford dictionary defines curriculum as a

a)      Course of learning

b)     Chariot race course

c)      Course of study

d)     Course of education

39        The model of curriculum could not move above elementary stage is

a)      Core curriculum

b)     Activity curriculum

c)      Subject  curriculum

d)     None of these


40        A curriculum is the sum total o a schools influence in a Childs

a)      Personality

b)      Attitude

c)      Behaviour

d)     Action

41        Which is not the component of curriculum?

a)      Design

b)      Contents

c)       Objectives

d)      Evaluation


42        Curriculum is dynamic and changes according to the needs of the –

A.        parents and students 

B.        teachers parents and students 

C.        pupil and society 

D.        teachers 


43        “A curriculum can be defined as a plan for option or a written document that includes strategies for achieving desired goal or ends” this definition is by 

A.        Taba 

B.        Taylor 

C.        Sailor 

D.        Pratt


44        Curriculum development is -------- , Purposeful , progressive and systematic process in order to create positive improvements in the educational system. 


A.        Planned 

B.        Unplanned 

C.        Designed 

D.        directional 

 45    Which of the following principles in the syllabus is incorrect?

    1    Child centered    2    Life oriented    3    Variety    4    Unscientific

46    The curriculum is bigger than the curriculum. 

    1    true    2     False

47    The NCRT set up a National Steering Committee under the chairmanship of .........................to prepare a revised syllabus.

    1    Acharya Ramamurti    2    Professor Yashpal  3    Dr. Shailesh A. Shirali    4    Shri Rohit Dhankar

48    What changes did the National Curriculum Framework 2005 suggest?

    1    The trilingual formula should not be used. 
    2    The curriculum should include English language.
    3     How the Panchayat Raj system will be strengthened.
    4    Continuous comprehensive evaluation
49    The right word choice-learning without the burden

      1             No rote learning    2        Life oriented    3     Learning with joy 4       Social justice

50        flexibility is an important parting curriculum developemnt. 

    1    True    2    False

51   The term refer to the total process of designing implementing and evaluating: 

    1     Curriculum design             2     Curriculum implementation

     3    Curriculum Construction   3     Curriculum Development

52    Who said - Curriculum is a written plan. 

        1 Rigan      2 Tylar      3 Alchert      4 Smith, Stanley and Shore 

53   In the subject centered curriculum, the important element is: 

     1     Division of knowledge         2    Mixing of activities 

      3    Influence of social values     4     Psychomotor development

54    School curriculum is defined as... 

         1     Methods of instruction         2     Experiences organized by school

         3     Materials of instruction         4    Courses of study

55    The major purpose of co-curricular activities is to: 

         1     Help students achieve a well-adjusted personality 

         2     Provide relief from the usual classroom routine 

          3    Allow students an opportunity to develop in to good citizens

          4    Permit students to have a choice of educational program

56    Evaluation used to improve the contents after curriculum development is: 

         1    Summative evaluation    2     Formative evaluation 

          3    Diagnostic evaluation    3     None of the above

57     Hilda Taba ’s is an expert in the field of... 

      1    Educator’s research             2     Curriculum Development 

      3    Educational Psychology     3    Assessment and Evaluation

58   NCF 2005 recommends that 25 to 40 percent of the questions should be on...

     1 short answer type     2    Long answer type     3     objective question type    4None of the above 

59     Hilda Taba believed that, curriculum should be designed by.. 

     1    Teachers     2     Head Teachers     3    Experts        4     Subject Specialist         

Unit 3 Social Basis of framing Curriculum in Education

1          Ambedkar was deeply influenced by the writings of …..

A) Mahatma Gandhi                                       B) Tagore

C) Professor John Dewey                             D) T. John Dewey

2          Ambedkar opposed the distinction between…….

A) Undergraduate & postgraduate teaching                      B) Teaches & Parents

C) Syllabus & Curriculum                                           D) None of the above

3          Ambedkar stressed on the importance of

A) Method of teaching                                               B) Team study

C) Assignment                                                                        D) Research

4          Multiculturalism mean that_________

a.       One cultural identity does not dominate all other identities.

b.      One cultural identity dominates all other identity.

c.       All cultural identity dominate

d.      None of these.

5    School should provide all students with opportunities to participate in extra and co-curricular activity that develop____

a.       Knowledge

b.      Skill

c.       Attitude that increase academic achievement.

d.      All of these.

6          Professional development program should help teachers to understand_________

a.       The complex characteristics of different groups of children in Indian society.

b.      Opportunities for student

c.       Both a and b.

d.      None of these.

7    Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar believed in interactive teaching and learning where the teacher is a _______________

 a) Learner                                           b) facilitator

 c) Supervisor                                      d) Administrator

8    According to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Curriculum is the means of the_______________ process.

a) Educational                                     b) social

 c) Political                                          d) rational

9    The ultimate aim of education of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was _________________

a) Knowledge                                     b) Diversity

 c) self- realization                               d) vocational growth

10  A philosopher who raised status of India at the international level and has belief on ancient Indian Vedas.

a.       Mahatma Gandhi

b.      Rabindranath Tagore

c.       Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

d.      Jacques Rousseau

11        What was the contribution of Rabindranath Tagore to education particularly laying emphasis on Shantiniketan?

e.       Life is practical full of vigour and sense of service.

f.       Earn while you learn

g.      Human personality development

h.      Importance of women education

12        What is mass education according to Tagore?

i.        Education should be compulsory for primary level.

j.        Education to be given in rural areas.

k.      Education to both men and women equally

l.        Education should be given through the medium of mother tongue

13        …………… must be availed to every citizen.

A Secularism.   B Socialism.   C Justice.   D Democracy

14        The preamble describes ………….. of thought, expression, belief, faith And worship as one of the core values.

A   Republic.   B   Sovereignty.      C  liberty.          D justice

15        The constitution makers have included social, economic and political

Justice as ………………….

       A political values.   B  constitutional values.    C  international values.   D none of the above


16        Which of the following mahatma Gandhi's views are applied in school curriculum of these time?

A) Practical mathematics                                B) General science

             C) Social Studies                                                   D) All of the above  

17        Which of the following views of Gandhiji are not applied to a greater extent in a today's life?

A) Co-education                                 B) Women education

C) All education through medium of mother tongue

D) Free and compulsory education  

18        In today's times 'children are given to choose one subject of their interest or they learn certain activity of their interest this is based on Gandhiji's which philosophy?

A) Fixed curriculum                            B) Moral Education

C) Religious Education                       D) Flexible Curriculum

19        Which western thinker’s idea was based on Tagore’s education philosophy?

           a. Aristotle                                                                  b. Plato

c. Rousseau                                                                d. Socrates


20        What was Tagore’s concept on curriculum consist on?

a. Subjects, activities & actual life experience         b. Religious education

c. Both                                                                        d. None of the above


21        On which education did Tagore assigned more importance?

a. Mass education                                                       b. Women education

c. Vocational education                                                         d. Religious education


22        Gandhi is of the view point that education should develop:


(A) Body, brain & heart

(B)  Brain, Soul & heart

(C) Body, mind & heart

(D) Brain, body & heart



23        Gandhiji emphasizes that mass education can be achieved by providing free and compulsory primary education up to the age of:

(A) 11 years

(B)  10 years

(C)  18 years

(D) 14 years

24        According to Gandhiji ; all education should take place through the medium of :

(A) National Language

(B)  English Language only

(C) Mother tongue

(D) State language only.


25        Multiculturalism describes the ____________ of multiple cultural traditions within a single jurisdiction.

a.       Existence

b.      Acceptance

c.       Promotion

d.      All of the above.


26        Multiculturalism means______________

a.      One cultural identity does not dominate all other identities.

b.      Attitude of students

c.       Behaviour of students

d.      Interaction with others


27        “Multiculturalism is a set of principles, policies and practices for accommodating diversity as a legitimate and integral component of society.” Said by?

a.      Fleras and Elliott J.L.

b.      American Heritage dictionary.

c.       Liew.

d    Zins and Haidar Moukdad.

28        Curriculum is a ......... concept.
1 Comprehensive       2 Limited        3 Structured     4 Closed

29        The formal and informal components of the curriculum make it easy to ...
            1          Teaching          2 Study           3 Evaluation   4Technology

30        is a tool to achieve educational goals .......
            1 Syllabus        2 Curriculum             3Handicrafts   4 Religious education

31        Mahatma Gandhi had given great importance to ........ in his own life.
           1) Skills                        2) The situation
           3) Character                 4) Education
32        The ultimate goal of Gandhi's education includes two of the following issues:
           1) Overall development and cultural education
           2) Awareness and spiritual development of social responsibility and commitment
           3) Mother tongue and society
           4) Arithmetic and physical education
33        According to Mahatma Gandhi, education should be a true guide and friend of the             student. He has awarded the ....... education system.
           1) Student-oriented                              2) Timely learning
           3) Self-discipline                                 4) All of the above method

34    Choose the right activity to inculcate multiculturalism in the classroom.

    1    Street play    2    use of example     3    Flag salute     4    Alll of the above


Unit 4 Language and Curriculum

1          In which year was the three language formula made available in the education system?

1          1975

2          1968

3          1958

4          1956

2          In which year was the three language formula made available in the education system?

            1) 1975

            2) 1968

            3) 1957

            4) 1956

3          Which language facilitates the overall development of students?
1          Primary language
2          Second Language
3          Third language
4          None of these

4          Which language helps the overall development of the students?

1  Primary language

2  Second Language

3  Third language

4  None of these

5          Who recommended the three language formula?
1          Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
2          Dr. Kasturirangan
3          Pandit Nehru
4          Dr.PJ Abdul Kalam

6          Who recommended three language formulas?

            1) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar

            2) Dr. Kasturirangan

            3) Pandit Nehru

            4) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam


7          Oral language screening is designed to alert teachers to students who may have:

(a)    Reading proficiency

(b)   Rhyming

(c)    Vocabulary and  /or language need

(d)   Sound addition and substitution.


8          Which of the following strategies support English language learners?

(a)    Real object

(b)   Preview /review

(c)    Visual aids

(d)   All of the above


9          Which component of oral language involves understanding of word parts and forms?

(a)    Morphological skills

(b)    Vocabulary

(c)    Pragmatics

(d)    Syntax


10        Which component of oral language deals with understanding the social rules of communication?

(a)    Pragmatics

(b)   Vocabulary

(c)    Morphological skills

(d)   Phonological skills


11        _____________ is an assessment where the teacher reads a story and student summarizes or tells the story again.

(a)    Text retelling

(b)   Oral interview

(c)    Oral prompt

(d)   Role playing



" Language is a purely human & non-instinctive method of

 Communicating ideas, emotions & desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols."


Edward Sapir 1921


B.Bloch (1942)




The Random house Webster's Dictionary


Noam Chomsky


The language to which children are exposed in their homes & communities; it is the

the language that they use as their primary means of communication  &

Identifies them with their community is called…..


School Language


Standard Language


Home Language


None of the above


According to Bollinger….


Language is species Specific


Language is one of the most important & characteristic forms of human behavior.


Language is a system of artibitary vocal symbols by means of which a social group cooperates.


" Language is the expression of ideas by means of speech sounds combined into sentences,

This combination answering to that of ideas into thoughts."


Only A


only A& D


Only C


None of the above.


A home language is the language (or the variety of a language) that is most commonly spoken by




School Institution




Members of a family


Language is purely….


human & non-instinctive method


system of arbitrary vocal symbols


system of communication


A body of words & systems


17        Kyle speaks French and German fluently, so he is _____.

1          monolingual                            2          multilingual
            3          trilingual                             4   bilingual


18        Mrs. Nava wants to use the strategy of trans language. What should she do?

1     Present material to students in multiple languages so they can learn all of them.

2     Present material to students in English, but have students translate it to their native tongues.

3     Present material to students in one language and hope that it transfers to their home language.

4     Present material to students in their native tongue and wait for it to transfer to their home language.

19  Martha speaks, reads, writes, and understands English, Spanish, French, and Italian. She is _____.

1     trilingual

2     bilingual

3     multilingual

4    monolingual

20  ____________ is a path between two or more points along which an electrical current can be carried.

a.       Resistor      b. Battery     c. Circuit

21        ____________ are helpful graphics to see an aerial view of a location

a.       Diagram     b. Maps     c. Circuits

22        Labeling of axes and uniform scale intervals are followed in ___________

a.       Table        b. Graph    c. Map


23        Discussion provides opportunities for students to-

a) Demonstrate their knowledge                     b) Give their opinions

c) Asking questions                                         d) All of the above

24        what are importance of classroom discussion

a) Student become connected to topic

b) It develop habit of collaborative learning

c) Both

d) None

25        what are limitation of discussion

a) Class size                             b) Time consuming

c) Few dominate                     d) All of the above


26        Oral language screening is designed to alert teachers to students who may have:

(e)    Reading proficiency

(f)    Rhyming

(g)   Vocabulary and  /or language need

(h)   Sound addition and substitution.


27        Which of the following strategies support English language learners?

(e)    Real object

(f)    Preview /review

(g)   Visual aids

(h)   All of the above


28        Which component of oral language involves understanding of word parts and forms?

(e)    Morphological skills

(f)     Vocabulary

(g)   Pragmatics

(h)    Syntax


29        Which component of oral language deals with understanding the social rules of communication?

(e)    Pragmatics

(f)    Vocabulary

(g)   Morphological skills

(h)   Phonological skills

30        _____________ is an assessment where the teacher reads a story and student summarizes or tells the story again.

(e)    Text retelling

(f)    Oral interview

(g)   Oral prompt

(h)   Role playing

31        Which are not importance of Multilingualism ………….

a) Increase Job Opportunities.      b) Larger language sensitivity.

c) Polyglots function better.         d) A very large number of published documents.

32        Polyglots means –

a) Being able to speak two language.      

b) Being able to speak multiple language, though the number is not always specified.

 c) Being able to speak three language.

d) Being able to grown to become a dominant feature of schooling across the word.

33  which benefits includes in multilingualism –

a) Cognitive development.                b) Providing wholesome influence.

c) They develop relational trust.         d) Love for humanity.


34  What is meant by the promotion and transmission of all kinds of social and cultural traditions of   humankind?
                 A) Education                           B) Gesture
                 C) Language                            D) Writing

35 Which of the following is an important function of language?
                A) Exchange of ideas                    B) Interactive transactions
                C) Social development                 D) All of the above

36  From what language does teaching enhance the development of linguistic skills among  students?
                A) Definition language                 B) School language
                 C) dialect                                       D) foreign language


37        Language with the richest vocabulary is

a) Hindi                                   b) French

c) English                               d) German


38        Hindi is defined as official language of the Union of Article 

a) 342                                      b) 383

c) 343                                      d) All of this


39        Study of the human language is

a) Learning                              b) Reader

c) Language                            d) Linguistic


40        The linguistic diversity present in a society is known as------

a)vertical multilingualism                    b)societal multilingualism

c) Individual multilingualism              d) horizontal multilingualism

41        Indian multilingualism can be under to do better interim of------

a)heterogeneity                                  b) flexibilities

c) Better function                                d) none of above

42        ThesecondaryschoolinWestBengalgivetheirstudentstheoptiontochoosefrom----- languages.

a) 12                b) 15                c)14                 d)10


43      Alan Bullock was born in Wiltshire on------

           A     13th December 1934                    B     13th December 1914

          C     13th November 1934                      D     13th November 1914

44       The aim of language across the curriculum (LAC) is-----

           A     To infuse foreign language across the curriculum

           B     To develop language ability of children in pre-school

           C     Both a & B

           D     None of these

45           There are ----- principal are recommended in bullock report.

                A     15                    B     12                        C     17                 D     16                                          








Unknown said...

Very nice

Priyanka K said...

Where to find ans?

Educationvicharvimarsh said...

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