18 April 2023

205-11 ICT Important Questions for Prelium 2024

Q1 Long Questions

1      Explain the concept of computer with structure of computer. Explain in detail Input devices of computer.   

2       Explain the concept of hardware with input devices of Computer. As a teacher how will you use storage devices in Education effectively? Explain with suitable examples.                                    

3      Describe the concept of Operating System with its types. How will you use MS-PowerPoint for effective teaching? Explain with examples.

4      Explain in details Nature, Scope and place of ICT at Higher Secondary Level         


 5      Explain need & Importance of Textbook analysis. Analyse the textbook with following points.

          A         Objectives              B         External aspects          C         Internal aspects                                        D            Content                       E          Learning experiences

6       Explain experimental method of teaching ICT subject with following points.        

a) Concepts                             b) Features      c) Advantages                         d) Limitations

e) Educational implication

7     Explain project method of teaching ICT with following points.
             A Concept             B Features              C Advantages             D Limitations

             E Educational implication 

8      Explain blended learning approach of ICT with following points.

            A         Concept                       b          Features                       c          Advantages

            D         Limitations      e          Educational implications.

9     Explain Learning Resources of ICT subject and describe how you will use these resources in                  teaching-learning process.

             a Facebook             b Whats App             c Documentary and Films          e Video conferencing

2      Answer in brief 

a Difference between LAN and WAN.

b Write educational usage of blog.

            c Explain copyright Act

             d Explain the concept of Computer Lab Management 

             e Explain moral and ethical issues with reference to cyber Law.

             f Give difference between curriculum & syllabus. 

g Explain in detail morals and ethics of using internet.

h Explain the concept of WWW (World Wide Web)

i As a ICT teacher how will you manage your Computer Lab?

j Difference between curriculum and syllabus.

k Concept of computer Assisted Instruction.

l How will you use ICT for students from deprived community.

m Which efforts will you take to enhance competencies of ICT teacher.

3      a) Fill in the blanks correct option from bracket                                              

A ICT means _________ (Information Technology, Information Computer Technology, Information and Communication Technology, Internet Communication Technology)

B Integral part of forum is…………….(Administration section, Teacher, User group, Student)

C ______ application software is useful to prepare result sheet of students.

(MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint, Paint)

D ICT stands for…………..(Information communication Technology, Information & Computer                 T echnology, Interaction and compile Technique, Information and Competent Technique) 

E _________device is a memory device. (Printer, Pen drive, Mouse, Joystic)

            F ………….is used for searching required information on Internet.

             (VOIP, E-Mail, Search Engine, Twitter,)

G 'Ctrl + V' is used for_________the file. (copy, cut, paste, save)

H Ctrl+V is used to…………a file (Copy, Paste, Save Control)

I ________device is a Input device. (Speaker, Printer, Mouse, Monitor)

J …………is an input device. (Printer, Monitor , keyboard, Pen drive) 

            K Following_________is an example of application software.

(MS-Word, Windows-98, Google Chrome, Firefox)

L LAN means_________

(Local Area Network, Large Area Network, Long Area Network, Local Access Network)

M ___________is a example of Internet browser.

(MS-Word, Google Chrome, Windows, Notepad)

N _______facility is use to send message through internet.

(WWW, Internet explorer, Google, E-mail)

O CPU means__________ (Central Progressing Unit, Central Possessing Unit, Central Progressing Utility, Central Processing Unit)


        B   Write rull form of abbreviation
            1 ATM             2 VOIP          3 HTTP           4 RAM          5 MAN          6 IRC        

            7 IM                 8 E-Mail       9 ALU              10 ROM

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